Intervention Programs

Early Intervention Diversion (EID)
Interface’s youth diversion programs are designed to target youth referred by the Ventura County Probation Agency who have received a first-time and/or low-level citation. Our program goal is to divert youth from entering the juvenile justice system by providing intentional intervention services that strengthen youth and families. Clients receive case management services, resources and referrals for various community organizations offering long-term assistance and/or pro-social engagement, family mediation, skill building, assistance with signing up for Medi-Cal, hand to hand referrals to our Street Outreach department, and mental health services.
Juvenile Justice Service Coordination
Juvenile Justice Service Coordination plans, organizes, coordinates, and delivers structured programming, recreation, and activities for all youth and young adults residing at the Ventura County Juvenile Facility. The goal is to reduce the number of youth returning to the Juvenile Facility and/or re-entering the juvenile or adult criminal justice system while also addressing the underlying cause of a youth’s criminal activity, substance abuse, and gang involvement by removing barriers to accessing services and helping youths address trauma.
Juvenile Justice Quality Assurance
Juvenile Justice Quality Assurance identifies programming gaps, conducts fidelity monitoring on current evidence-based programs/practices, and coordinates juvenile justice services to youth and young adults on Ventura County supervision. The goal of this project is to gather input from youth, parents, stakeholders, and persons with lived experience to target gaps in programs, services, and treatment for Ventura County youth and young adults.
LEAP (Learn, Engage, Advocate, and Partner)
LEAP is a youth diversion program at the highest-need middle and high schools in Oxnard that will help equip students and parents with the tools needed to develop healthy communication, coping, conflict resolution skills, and protective factors aimed at increasing their overall well-being and safety while bolstering school safety measures. Through evidence-based prevention and intervention for grades 6-12, LEAP aims to (1) reduce the incidence of school violence through improved school safety and climate and (2) prevent youth violence, delinquency, and victimization in the targeted community.
LIFT (Lead. Inspire. Focus. Transform.)
The Youth LIFT Partnership program is aimed at diverting youth from initial or subsequent contact with the juvenile justice system using approaches that are evidence-based, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate. This program will be used to target underserved communities in the Oxnard area in partnership with the Oxnard Police Department. The goal of the project is to provide diversion and alternative-sanction programs, offer mentoring, mental health services, and case management to support linkage to community resources, academic- and vocational-education services, and behavioral health services.
MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy)
Interface’s youth Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) class is offered at the Juvenile Probation office located on Williams Drive in Oxnard every Thursday at 4:30pm. MRT is an evidence-based program that seeks to decrease recidivism by increasing moral reasoning. MRT fosters Moral Development in clients who are sometimes resistant to various types of treatment. MRT has been found to increase housing stability, job retention, medication acceptance, raise motivation, and enhance life purpose. Our staff are certified in MRT and facilitate groups with clients referred by VCPA.
Reducing Risk for Girls
The Reducing Risk for Girls project in partnership with Ventura County Probation Agency (VCPA), is aimed at providing prevention and early intervention services to girls confined in the Ventura County Juvenile Detention Facility. The juvenile justice system has typically overlooked the unique needs of girls, which retriggers the trauma that prompted choices that led to their incarceration, including family dysfunction, negative thought patterns, substance abuse, sexual exploitation, and/or human trafficking. The project goal is to reduce recidivism through the reduction of risk factors (anger management, mindful management of addiction, avoidance of future exploitation) and the promotion of protective factors (e.g., positive peer group, positive/resilient temperament, problem-solving skills) proven effective for girls involved in the juvenile justice system.
Second Chances Youth Reentry Project
The “Second Chances” Community-Based Youth Reentry Project in partnership with Ventura County Probation Agency (VCPA), proposes a reduction in the number of rearrests among Ventura County at-risk youth. The project fills a critical need for high-quality anti-recidivism programming occurring in the community and in juvenile facilities using an integrated community-based set of services and a suite of evidence-based practices. Interface seeks to change the life trajectory for the youth served by Second Chances, assist in the transition youth make from juvenile residential facilities to the community so that the transition is successful and promotes public safety, learn from a rigorous evaluation of their outcomes, and strengthen the community. Staff begins programming with youth while in the juvenile facility, working on barriers to successful reentry through various evidence-based programming and following youth into the community as they connect with field probation, family, education, and employment services and work to help decrease specific client-related causes of recidivism.
Transforming Harm to Healing (H2H)
The Transforming Harm to Healing project will provide restorative justice conferencing for first-time and repeat-offending youth who commit an eligible misdemeanor or felony offense, as well as youth and transitional-age youth facing probation violations through court. Interface will leverage current services and experience to provide Restorative Justice conferencing that a) reduces the number of youths entering the juvenile justice system, b) reduces racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system, and c) addresses the underlying causes of youth misconduct by removing barriers to accessing services.
Youth Advocate Program
This exciting new project for Interface pairs VCPA referred youth to a Youth Advocate who will be co-located in the Juvenile Probation office located on Williams Drive in Oxnard. Interface staff will provide case management, evidence-based programming, and supportive services to youth as they navigate probation compliance and the justice system. Case Managers will support youth with court orders, connections to outside organizations for treatment, employment and education assistance, provide transportation, and advocate with probation staff on behalf of the youth and their families. Interface staff will provide mentoring, create opportunities for increased prosocial activities, and connect or build community-serving opportunities for their youth.