You can be a DV Champion for Change by leading efforts to Educate, Activate and Get Involved! Learn more about the warning signs of domestic violence and its impact on families. You can also download our entire DV Champion for Change Toolkit (see sidebar links).

Take the pledge to say No More! to domestic violence in our community

We need YOU to help put an end to domestic violence!  Click here to schedule your Paint it Purple event!

Be an ambassador and help us bring prevention programs to schools and community groups. Contact Anna Bell at to learn more.

Get involved with our Paint It Purple™ campaign in October. Give what you can: It only takes $20 to prevent a child or teen from experiencing abuse in the future.

2019 Paint it Purple Activities!

Spread the word! Like Interface Children & Family Services on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel and share our content with others.

Project Hope features art created by Interface clients, their children, and advocates. For domestic violence survivors, art is a powerful healing tool. Project Hope raises awareness and provides hope when there is none for friends, family, and neighbors who may be suffering in silence, afraid to seek help.