November is National Runaway Prevention Month
According to a study from Voices of Youth Count and Chapin Hall, 4.2 million young people, age 13-24, experience some form of homelessness, such as coach surfing, sleeping on the streets, or staying in shelters, in the course of a year. To help reduce the incidence of youth homelessness and recognize November as National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM), Interface Children & Family Services is hosting several activities at local high schools. This effort is designed to raise awareness of the issues faced by runaway and homeless youth and educate Ventura County residents about strategies that help prevent youth from running away from home.
Leveraging the theme of “Shine a Light,” National Runaway Prevention Month brings to light the issues runaway and homeless youth face every day and highlights the resources available to support youth in crisis.
Interface’s Youth Rescue Staff are available day and evening to work with runaway, homeless, couch surfing youth or youth who are at risk for running away or homelessness. Services are provided to youth ages 12-21. Youth Rescue Staff meet with youth in community settings such as schools, libraries, or another agreed upon community location. Youth Rescue Staff provide the following services:
Street Outreach
Youth Rescue Line, 24 hours/7 days a week, 805-469-5882
Interface’s Youth Rescue Line provides help to youth facing difficult situations. Staff offer guidance and support to youth who have runaway from home, are homeless, couch surfing on the street or in crisis situations. Staff will listen, offer support and resources to help youth and families resolve conflict.
Runaway and homeless youth needing access to shelter services may contact our youth rescue line for assistance.
Shelter/Housing assessments
Family Mediation
Emancipation Information
Case management
Youth specific resource information