My Body Belongs to Me!

Are you concerned about your child’s personal safety?


  • Does your child know how to recognize potentially dangerous situations and people?
  • Does your child know which “strangers” to ask for help if he/she were lost?
  • Does your child know to tell you if an adult or older kid asks him/her to keep a secret?
  • Does your child know that “secret touches” are not allowed between adults and children?
  • Does your child know 7 signals that give them the right to say, “NO!” GET AWAY & TELL a trusted adult?

Your child will learn all of this with the “My Body Belongs to Me” program. The “My Body Belongs to Me” program teaches children about personal boundaries without making them afraid. Read more…


A 60-minute preview of the children’s
presentation, followed by an educational
workshop for parents and caregivers.



The 60-minute presentation introduces
the program overview, while providing
awareness and training for educators.



The 30 to 45-minute classroom lesson
focuses on engaging children through
an interactive-learning approach.

Fact: The National Department of Justice (DOJ) statistics indicate that in approximately 85% of the cases, the offender is known to the victim. He/she is usually a relative, family member, baby-sitter/other care giver, or older friend of the child. About 10% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are strangers to the child.
Fact: Seductive behavior is not the cause. Responsibility for the act ALWAYS lies with the offender. Sexual abuse sexually exploits a child not developmentally capable of understanding or resisting and/or who may be psychologically or socially dependent on the offender.
Fact: According to a study by Dr. David Finkelhor, close to 2/3 of all child sexual abuse victims may not tell their parents or anyone else because they fear being blamed, punished or not believed. Additionally, many victims feel that the abuse may be their fault in some way.
Fact: Men are the offenders 94% of the time in cases of child sexual abuse. Men sexually abuse both male and female children. 75% of male offenders are married or have consenting sexual relationships. Only about 4% of same-sex abuse involves homosexual perpetrators; 96% of the perpetrators are heterosexual.
Fact: Children generally do not question the behavior of adults, and have been taught to obey adults. They are
often coerced by bribes, threats, and use of a position of authority.

Fact: Studies on child sexual abuse indicate one of four females under the age of 18 and one of five to six males under the age of 18 are child sexual abuse victims.

Fact: Studies indicate that most child sexual abuse continues for at least two years before it is reported. And in most cases, it doesn’t stop until it’s reported.

Fact: While some “non-offending” parents know and even support the offender’s actions, many, because of their lack of awareness, may suspect something is wrong, but are unclear as to what it is or what to do.

Fact: Family sexual abuse crosses all classes of society. There is no race, social, or economic class that is immune to family sexual abuse. Incest estimated to occur in 14% of all families. 10 to 20% of American children are incest victims; 90% of the victims are female, and 90% of the abusers are fathers or stepfathers.

Fact: Nearly all victims will experience emotional trauma such as confusion, shame, guilt, anger, and a poor selfimage. Child sexual abuse can result in long-term relationship problems and be perpetuated from generation to generation. Dr. Nicholas Groth, who has worked extensively with sexual offenders, reports that 60% of convicted sexual offenders have reported histories of child sexual abuse victimization.