Why I support Interface:
For almost 50 years, Interface has provided comprehensive services to children and families in crisis and provided leadership in bringing the community together to solve emerging problems.
Unique and Critical Programs:
Many community leaders acknowledge that our social service system is fragmented and complex. Even the most healthy families are often unable to navigate this complex system. Everyday, Interface provides an alternative: integrated and highly accessible services and supports to youth, adults and families…at the right time…at the right place.
Interface is focused on intervening early to head off more serious (and expensive!) problems later on. We know that healthy and supported families bring up healthy and supported children.
Unrestricted funds, those not donor-designated for a specific use, are especially important to Interface. Unrestricted funds are directed to the greatest needs by the Executive Director, Erik Sternad, and by the Interface Board of Directors. Many of these needs are high-priority, newly emerging, unbudgeted projects for which no other funding sources exist.
Yes! You can deduct all or a portion of your gift on your tax return (check with your tax preparer for details). Interface’s Tax ID is 95-2944459.