Human Trafficking Initiatives

Lighthouse Project
The Lighthouse Project aims to build capacity to support foreign nationals who have experienced labor trafficking within the Central Coast region of California. The project has three main goals: identification and outreach, public awareness, and case management. The Lighthouse Project serves adult foreign nationals who have experienced labor trafficking or are at risk of experiencing labor trafficking along the Central Coast of California, including Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, and Monterey County.
Services offered to individuals who have experienced labor trafficking include:
- Comprehensive, client-centered and culturally responsive case management services.
- Financial assistance for qualifying individuals.
- Individualized service needs through a network of community-based organizations and agencies across the Central Coast.
Professional Training & Technical Assistance
Individuals impacted by human trafficking often remain hidden and out-of-sight but there are times when they may need to access medical services, seek community services or use public transportation. Unfortunately, without training, professionals working in hospitals, clinics, schools and transit center may not recognize the signs and indicators of human trafficking. Training professionals and service industry workers is key to helping identify and assist individuals who are experiencing human trafficking.
We offer a professional development training on human trafficking to medical professionals and transportation operators.
We offer a professional development training on Human Trafficking for professionals including:
Click here to fill out a presentation request form.
Labor 101 trainings include the following information:
- Definition of Labor Trafficking
- Recognizing Individuals Who May Be At Risk For Labor Trafficking
- Identifying Indicators of Labor Trafficking
- Labor Trafficking Along the Central Coast
- Resources and Services to Help