Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force

The Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force (VCHTTF) was established in 2019 and is an Enhanced Collaborative Model with two leading agencies. Interface Children & Family Services is the leader of the Victim Service efforts, and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office is the leader of the Law Enforcement Efforts. Both agencies partner with several other community partners and victim service providers and together we all make up VCHTTF.
The goals and objectives of the Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force are to:
- Identify victims of both sex and labor trafficking using a victim centered and culturally responsible approach
- Proactively investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases at the local, state, and federal level.
- Address individualized service needs through a comprehensive, vetted network of service providers.
- Provide training and awareness events in the community to increase the public’s education on sex and labor trafficking, to ensure the imagery, trainings and services provided and used in the community are trauma informed and consistent with the mission vision and values of the Task Force.
There is an array of services that are provided and offered to victims and survivors of human trafficking both adults and minors under the task force (please see Survivor Services). The task force provides services that are trauma informed, victim centered and culturally responsive, ensuring that survivors are respected, heard, and met where they are using the Cycle of Change approach.
Human Trafficking Advocates are available to respond out to law enforcement 24/7 whenever there is a potential victim identified, to ensure they are informed of their rights, provided basic needs, and offered services.
Task Force members can provide trainings and community awareness presentations on Human Trafficking.
HT 101 training for professionals includes the following information:
- Definition of human trafficking – what is sex and labor trafficking
- How trafficking happens and what it can look like in our community
- Understanding who is vulnerable to human trafficking
- Recognizing the red flags and key indicators of human trafficking
- What to do when you encounter a potential victim and what resources are available
HT 101 Community Awareness Presentation
- What is Human Trafficking?
- Misconceptions of Human Trafficking
- Does Human Trafficking occur in Ventura County?
- How Can You Help a Potential Victim?
Click here to fill out a presentation request form.
For more information and to request a professional development training, please email
Training for Law Enforcement, First Responders and Hospitality is also available through the Task Force.
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