Justice Services


Interventions are designed to provide supportive services once an individual is identified as at-risk to halt the development of a social or psychological problem.

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Preventions are designed to increase protective factors and reduce risk factors for individuals before a social or psychological problem arises in the first place.

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Community Outreach

Community outreach involves bringing information about services into the communities with the highest needs and reducing barriers for community members to access information and services.

Justice Services at Interface

Interface’s Justice Services program serves youth involved in the justice system to reduce recidivism and increase safety throughout Ventura County. Prevention program aims to divert youth from ever becoming justice-involved.

“At Interface, we firmly believe in the power of healing, understanding, and second chances. Our partnership with the District Attorney and Probation offices allows us to amplify our impact and create lasting change in the lives of individuals and families. By working collaboratively, we can offer comprehensive support services and foster a sense of empathy, rehabilitation, and resilience.” – Erik Sternad, Interface Executive Director