Prevention Programs

LEAP (Learn, Engage, Advocate, and Partner)
(LEAP) is a youth diversion program at the highest-need middle and high schools in Oxnard that will help equip students and parents with the tools needed to develop healthy communication, coping, conflict resolution skills, and protective factors aimed at increasing their overall well-being and safety while bolstering school safety measures. Through evidence-based prevention and intervention for grades 6-12, LEAP aims to (1) reduce the incidence of school violence through improved school safety and climate and (2) prevent youth violence, delinquency, and victimization in the targeted community.
LIFT (Lead. Inspire. Focus. Transform.)
The Youth LIFT Partnership program is aimed at diverting youth from initial or subsequent contact with the juvenile justice system using approaches that are evidence-based, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate. This program will be used to target underserved communities in the Oxnard area in partnership with the Oxnard Police Department. The goal of the project is to provide diversion and alternative-sanction programs and offer mentoring, mental health services, and case management to support linkage to community resources, academic- and vocational-education services, and behavioral health services.
Youth Advocate Program
This exciting new project for Interface pairs VCPA referred youth to a Youth Advocate who will be co-located in the Juvenile Probation office located on Williams Drive in Oxnard. Interface staff will provide case management, evidence-based programming, and supportive services to youth navigating probation compliance and the justice system. Case Managers will support youth with court orders, connections to outside organizations for treatment, employment and education assistance, provide transportation, and advocate with probation staff on behalf of the youth and their families. Interface staff will provide mentoring, create opportunities for increased prosocial activities, and connect or build community-serving opportunities for their youth.