Contact our 24/7 Hotline:
Survivor Services

Comprehensive, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive services are available to all survivors of domestic violence. Services include shelter for all genders which offers case management, counseling, and linkages to other supportive services.
We operate a 24/7 Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Hotline 1-800-636-6738.
24/7 Hotline
The Domestic Violence hotline is answered 24/7 by trained domestic violence counselors and advocates that are ready to provide crisis counseling, safety planning and resources to victims of domestic violence. Call the hotline at 800-636-6738 to get connected to a domestic violence advocate. The hotline is available to all victims of domestic violence and adult victims of sex and labor trafficking as well as concerned loved ones, community members, and services providers.
Domestic Violence Restraining Order Assistance
Trained domestic violence counselors are available to assist victims of domestic violence with completing the necessary paperwork to request a Domestic Violence Restraining Order through the Ventura County Superior Courthouse. Call the hotline at 800-636-6738 to request assistance.
A safe and confidential shelter location for victims and their children up to 18 years of age currently fleeing domestic violence. Call the hotline at 800-636-6738 to request assistance.
Community Support Groups
A safe space to support and empower women affected by domestic violence and abuse on their journey to thriving. Call the hotline at 800-636-6738 for more information.
Triple P Groups
Triple P parenting cohorts are offered to community members that are affected by domestic violence. Call the hotline at 800-636-6738 for more information.
Supportive Resources/Additional Resources
Click link to get to attached resources/PDF’s
- Power and control wheel
- Cycle of violence
- Domestic violence effects on children